NIVEL 1-Lección 3 (09/05/24) “Yo me llamo Brenda y me apellido Huerta; tengo 24 años. ¿Y tú? ¿Cómo te llamas y cuántos años tienes?”


  • Aprender a contar en español del 0 al 99.
  • Aprender la conjugación de los verbos “llamarse” y “apellidarse” para presentarse.
  • Aprender la conjugación del verbo “tener” para hablar de edad.
  • Aprender y practicar con los signos de puntuación.

Páginas: Ele book y Libro de Actividades

  • Libro de actividades: páginas 23 y 12.

Los deberes

  • Libro de actividades: página 23, ejercicio 2.

Do you want to review and practice more?

  • Libro de actividades: pág. 27, ejercicio 1 y pág. 28, ejercicio 1.
  • Mira este video para practicar con los números y colores en español:

Resumen de la clase

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Brenda Huerta
About the author

¡Hola! I’m Brenda and I am from Mexico! I was born in Puebla, one of the most important cities in Mexico, famous for its amazing gastronomy and its proximity to an active volcano that people have nicknamed “Goyo”.  Teaching languages has always been a passion of mine and I have almost 10 years of experience teaching students of all ages, both face to face and online. I love meeting new students in class, sharing my experiences and developing their communicative skills in my language. I aim to make my classes as fun and dynamic as possible and create a safe space where everyone can learn at their own pace and have a nice time while doing so. I can’t wait to see you in class and my wish for you is not only to enjoy a great time learning Spanish, but also the rich culture of countries where it is spoken.

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