Nivel 11 – Lección 12/20 (23-05-2024): Si la gente hiciera más park runs no habría tantas guerras.


  • El pretérito imperfecto (pasado) del subjuntivo.
    • The subjunctive past tense.
  • Las frases condicionales. The conditional sentences.

Páginas: Ele book y Libro de Actividades

Libro de actividades, página 28.

Los deberes

Libro de actividades, página 30 y 31 (ejercicios 15 y 16).

Resumen de la clase

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David Muniesa
About the author

¡Hola! My name is David and I’m from Zaragoza, a mid-sized city in North East Spain. I am a Philosophy graduate from the University of Zaragoza, and I have a SIELE Teacher Course Certificate from Instituto Cervantes. I spent some years of my apprenticeship in Oxford and Budapest and became a teacher of Spanish as a second language three years ago, first in my hometown and now in London. In addition to Spanish language and culture, I am passionate about music, cinema, football and literature and I love to connect with my students and make our classes even more in engaging. See you in class! ¡Nos vemos en clase!

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